Monday, January 30, 2006

Our 7 year old wants published!

Jake has requested that his story for school last week get published to the family blog, so here it is - (2nd grade creative writing isn't worried about spelling yet):

Grumpy Old Bus driver

Ond day Joe was wating for the bus. Joe said "here comes the bus." The busdriver said "GRRRRRRRRRRR" and drov by. Joe said "hay wate!". Joe starts runing after the bus. he was to late. it turned the corner. Then The Grumpy old busdriver came to Bob's house. Bob said 'thers the buse, what is this it isn't my WHOAAAAAAAAAA" The Grumpy old bus driver grabd Bob by the shert and puld him in. The end.


steph said...

All right! I love that he is writing, that he wants to share his writing and that he is joining in the family legacy of storytelling!

Constance said...

Jake, this is a fun story. I hope the grumpy old bus driver was just imaginary. Of course, if he is real, he is pretty funny and even if he says, 'Grrr' you just might quietly laugh at him (behind his back.)